Page Content Frequency:
Depending on your goals of your website, the needs of a website redesign or update can vary. If you plan to use your site as a lead generation tool, then you should update it frequently to remain in line with your search engine optimization (SEO) needs. If your site is more of a follow-up to traditional marketing, then you may be able get away with less frequent updates.

Website Redesign Frequency:
According to Juniper Research, a good rule of thumb is to redesign your website design every 18-24 months, and to update content as often as you would like people to return.
In many cases, the point of a website redesign is to engage your customers with a fresh look, to modernize in keeping with design standards, to offer a differentiation and a competitive edge over competitors, and to highlight new products and services.
With a competitive analysis, the findings should identify what your competitors are doing well, and where there shortcomings. Your website redesign should strengthen your brand among your industry leaders. When you search your products or services on the web, your website should be engaging and meet the needs of your target audience.
Having your users say “Wow that is a really cool site!”, doesn’t serve any purpose if they aren’t given the tools they need to perform an action…

When Evaluating Developers For Your Website Redesign, Consider These Factors:
1. References: are you able to look through a portfolio, or are they using the same glowing testimonials over and over again?
2. Will the website be developed to be “findable” on the internet, so the website is search engine friendly?
3. Does the designer have any experience in my industry?
4. Will you have any input in the design process, or are you viewing the site upon completion?
5. Does the designer offer support services during your hours of operation?
6. Will you have the ability to update content yourself?
7. Do the developers test the redesigned website for browser compatibility?
8. What is the warranty period after the website redesign is completed?
9. Does the designer offer ongoing search engine optimization or marketing services?

Trust SolutionBuilt To Handle Your Next Website Redesign
Whether you’re looking to start building a website from scratch or redesign your existing website, SolutionBuilt is here to help. We have been in the business of website design and development since 2004, and have over 500 completed projects under our belt. Our mission is to create mobile and web solutions with transparency and efficiency. We offer a wide range of services from marketing to app development and everything in between. Contact us online or call us today at (404) 835-7730.